Zoning & Planning

The Village of Holly is a master planned and oned community, governed by a rolling 5-year Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Zoning and planning issues are overseen by the Village of Holly Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, and administered by the Building and Code Enforcement Officer.

Village of Holly Master Plan

Planning and Land Use

Land in the Village of Holly are coded for zoned and special uses through the Zoning Ordinance. Uses of land that conform with the acceptable use of its respective zone does not require approval by the Planning Commission. Uses that fall under the specified “special uses” for a particular zone require approval by the Planning Commission, who must grant approval if the intended use conforms with the Zoning Ordinance.

Special Use Permit Application

Site plans for new developments or buildings must be approved by the Planning Commission prior to development.

Accessory Structure Permit

Lot Split/Combination Application


Land owners in the Village of Holly may apply to have land rezoned per section 2404 of the Zoning Ordinance, which is considered by the Planning Commission.

Rezoning Application


The Zoning Board of Appeals reviews and decides on variances of the Zoning Ordinance, including the sign ordinance.

Sign Variance Application

Historical District

Special requirements for development and improvements to properties in the Village of Holly Historical District (including the historic downtown area) may be subject to additional rules or requirements.